Thursday, March 15, 2007

It is happening too fast.

I apologize for letting my blog fall by the wayside. It has been such an uphill battle in spots and sometimes I lack the stamina to deal with it. My wife was labeled secondary progressive a few months ago and the prognosis at that time was basically we will have to wait and see. Our doctor told her there were a couple of studies going on and she might be a candidate for one.

We were scheduled for an interview. The nurse practitioner explained what the trial was all about and that the drug showed a lot of promise. We were very optimistic.

So much for optimism... One of the requirements for the test group was an MRI to set a base. My wife had an implant put in her hip to help with bladder control. It is much like a pacemaker. The wiring in it and the wire to the stimulation area could be severely over heated by an MRI and there is nothing in the universe that will shield from magnetic fields.

No baseline MRI, no study. I was depressed for months. She should have been but one of her meds for migraines is a mood elevator as well.

More later.


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