Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Why am I doing this blog???

My wife was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago. We had been married 25 years by then and she still asked me after the doctor walked out, "Are you going to leave me?". That question ripped my heart out of my chest. I wasn't upset because she asked it, but because she was so scared of what the disease might do that she was unsure of my ability to handle it with her. Well, along the road I have had those same doubts many times, and have had to experience counseling and even anti-depressants. I have run the gamut of negative feelings. I have prayed for cures. I have even wanted this life to be over. I have wanted to run away from home more times than I can count. I don't believe that anyone out there can come up with a feeling I have not had to deal with. Ok, maybe I haven't had them all, but in ten years there is a strong possibility I can identify with most. If someone tells me about one I haven't dealt with, I will be glad to feature it here. In my blog, I plan to tell you any information I have seen over the years. I will share with you what we have tried and what has done good for both of us. Please, Please, Please..newly diagnosed MS patients and their caregivers, you must find some good counseling and make use of the opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings!!! The MS Society can be a great source to help you find support in your local area.


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